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Latest news:

Powering VIctoria

SEC enshrined in Victoria’s Constitution

04 September 2024

The SEC has been enshrined into the state’s Constitution, following the passing of the Constitution Amendment (SEC) Bill 2023 by the Victorian Parliament this week.

Sharan and Cameron

Sharan Burrow AC and Cameron Garnsworthy to join SEC’s Board

17 September 2024

We are pleased to announce Sharan Burrow AC and Cameron Garnsworthy will join SEC’s board of directors on October 1.

Work powers up on SEC’s giant battery as Megapacks arrive on site

04 September 2024

The first of 444 battery units are now being installed at the Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub – one of the world's biggest battery projects and the SEC’s first investment.

Simon Corbell

SEC back to accelerate Victoria’s transition to renewable, affordable energy

29 August 2024

As part of this role, the new SEC is partnering with the private sector to invest an initial $1 billion in renewable energy generation and storage.